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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Puccinin, the recently freed Belgian hostage, declares: "Al Assad is not behind the gas attacks!"

The Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin da Prate and Domenico Quirico, a journalist at La Stampa, both kidnapped in Syria in April 2013 by the Syrian rebels (whose main military arm is Jabhat Al-nusra which closely linked to Al Qaeda), were released on Sunday (8/9/2013).
During his interview with RTL-TVI, Piccinin indicated that it is the Syrian rebels and not the Syrian regime who used the sarin gas (in Al Ghouta). Puccini held on strongly to his statement especially when told that Quirico denies being that certain of this fact. He then insisted that it would be suicidal for the West to support the extremists who now lead the so-called Syrian revolution.
Puccini, who was a strong supporter of the Syrian rebels at the beginning of the uprise in 2011, said that "it is a moral duty to relay such information. It is not the Government of Bashar Al-Assad which used sarin gas , or any other gas, in the outskirts of Damascus. We are certain of this fact since we overheard a shocking conversation between the Syrian rebels. My statement comes at a high personal cost since I used to support the Free Syrian Army in their just struggle for democracy."
On the other hand, Domenico Quirico said "One day, we overheard a conversation in English via Skype between three men through the door of the room in which we were imprisoned. In this conversation, the men said that the gas attacks in the two districts of Damascus were committed by the rebels as a provocation to push the West to launch an attack on Syria". He also said that he is not sure of "the reliability nor the identity of the persons involved in this conversation. "I cannot assert whether this conversation was based on real facts or on a rumor. It is folly to claim that I know that it is not Assad who used the gas."
Puccinin, in response to Quirico's suspicions, said: "I'm a little bit surprised because we were together when we heard this conversation. It involved the Free Syrian Army general who was holding prisoners and a militant from Al-Farouq brigade. It was clear that, according to this conversation, Al-Assad's regime is not responsible for the gas attacks gas based on which the world shall decide whether or not to attack the regime of Bashar Al-Assad."
Puccinin, and in response to questions from Michel De Maegd, reiterated that, according to the two men, no, it is not the regime "of Al-Assad who is behind this attack". The Belgian ex-hostage continued: "The regime could not have made a more precious beautiful gift to the rebels had it really used these chemical weapons." Mr. Piccinin completely opposes the idea of an international attack on Syria. "The Free Syrian Army is now controlled by extremists. It would be crazy and suicidal for the West to support these people."
Puccinin explained: "It wasn't always the same group that held us. We were detained by different, anti-Western, anti-Christian, violent extremists. At many times, we were subjected to extreme physical violence" humiliation, bullying, and mock executions. Domenico underwent two mock executions by the revolver. At one time, we were convinced that they were going to kill us since they told us that we became a burden on them and that they were going to get rid of us".

Monday, 9 September 2013

U.S. Military Intelligence Involved in Chemical Attack in Syria

| Moscow (Russia)

The situation in Syria is still in focus of the world media. Another U.S.-led “humanitarian intervention” may be unleashed soon. The Pentagon announced that it is ready to attack Syria in order to punish Bashar al-Assad and Syrian army for the alleged use of chemical weapons against the civilians.

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A photo taken by Marco di Lauro/AP in Iraq in 2003 was presented by US State Secretary Kerry on August 30, 2013 as evidence of "Assad’s chemical attack."

Meanwhile, the new evidence of the U.S. intelligence being involved in chemical attack near Damascus on August 21, 2013 has been leaked to Internet.

A hacker got access to the U.S. intelligence correspondence and published private emails of Col. Anthony J. Macdonald, who is the General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the US Army Staff.

In an email exchange on August 22, 2013 with the US Army civilian analyst Eugene P. Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to a Washington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria.
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E.FURST: By the way, saw your latest success, my congratulations. Good job.
A.MACDONALD: As you see, I’m far from this now, but I know our guys did their best.
Another set of private correspondence between his wife Jeniffer MacDonald and Mary Shapiro reveals that colonel did not keep his mouth shut in the bedroom:
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M.SHAPIRO: I can’t stop thinking about that terrible gas attack in Syria now. Did you see those kids? I was really crying- They were poisoned, they died. When is it over? I see their faces when in sleep. What did Tony say you about this?
J.MACDONALD: I saw it too and got afraid very much. But Tony comforted me. He said the kids weren’t hurt, it was done for cameras. So you don’t worry, my dear.
M.SHAPIRO: I’m still thinking about those Syrian kids. Thanks God, they are alive. I hope they got a kind of present or some cash.

From Col. MacDonalds’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear that the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by the U.S. Military Intelligence.

This information sheds new light on the US administration’s confession that “there were indications three days prior that an attack [on August 21] was coming”.

As Joseff Budansky from GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs wrote on Sunday:
On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

According to the same source,
On August 24, 2013, Syrian Commando forces acted on intelligence about the possible perpetrators of the chemical attack and raided a cluster of rebel tunnels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar. Canisters of toxic material were hit in the fierce fire-fight as several Syrian soldiers suffered from suffocation and “some of the injured are in a critical condition”.

The Commando eventually seized an opposition warehouse containing barrels full of chemicals required for mixing “kitchen sarin”, laboratory equipment, as well as a large number of protective masks. The Syrian Commando also captured several improvised explosive devices, RPG rounds, and mortar shells. The same day, at least four Hizballah fighters operating in Damascus near Ghouta were hit by chemical agents at the very same time the Syrian Commando unit was hit while searching a group of rebel tunnels in Jobar. Both the Syrian and the Hizballah forces were acting on intelligence information about the real perpetrators of the chemical attack.

The samples of toxic agents were reportedly sent to Moscow for a detailed analysis.

Published data clearly indicate that the US administration is about to create any pretext to launch a military strike on Syria. Most recent revelation that the US Secretary of State John Kerry has used a photo taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate “Syrian victims of gas attack” last Friday to justify his bellicous message to the US Congressmen gives even more evidence that the “intelligence information” the warmongers claim to be based on is groundless or simply fabricated.

Now the vast majority of people worldwide perfectly understand that a kind of tricky game is being played on their behalf. The British parliament has already met the demand of clearly expressed public opinion and opposed the suicidal war over Mediterranean. Will the US legislators show us the same prudence and common sense? We will see it next week.