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Friday 23 March 2012

The Rafic Hariri Center for the Middle East: Friends with the AIPAC!

In September 2011, Bahaa Hariri, the eldest son of Lebanon's late PM Rafic Hariri, decided to step into the heart of the spotlight of international politics. He thus decided to establish the Rafic Hariri Center for The Middle East. It is noteworthy to mention that at the onset of the ridiculous US/ZIONIST staged CEDARS REVOLUTION in Lebanon in 2005, whoever in the Zionist Lobby was responsible for the itsy-bitsy details of this so called uprise decided to outcast Bahaa and deprive him from the glory of leading the 14 March bunch, the puppets that animated the revolution in question.

They, unaware of the level of stupidity -or may be aware, who knows- chose to hand on the TORCH OF THE NEW MIDDLE EAST to Saad, number two in the Hariri hierarchy. It is also crucial to note that Rafic Hariri Center for the middle East is erected under the umbrella of The Atlantic Council, the think-tank of the NATO. Bahaa was, probably thinking that this move his would ensure him a seat in the international affairs scene. What happened later may have granted him a rapid exit from that scene, rather than the long, long, stay, he was yearning for. Here goes. In March 2012, the center's director, a certain Ms. Michelle Dunne, took the liberty to participate in the most prominent pro-Zionist convention organized by the notorious self-announced fathers of Zion, the AIPAC. 

Ms. Dunne, and as indicated by the program's pamphlet, Ms. Dunne participated using her her officiaal, rather than personal, status as the director the center. More interestingly, Ms. Dunne shared her thoughts in a session attended by, of course, the Zionist war Brig. Gen. Michael Herzog. Interestingly, or better yet sadly, Herzog was one of the center military minds that planned and executed the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006. Stupid, stupid, Saad, and in response to this breaking news, issued a stupid, stupid, statement clarifying, and as usual, that the whole thing hogus-bogus. Of course, Hariri number 2, assumes that the rest of us have the same IQ as his, and that, also like himself, blindly take information and orders from our Masters without the slightest doubt or question. As for Hariri 1, i.e. Bahaa, he decided to adopt a smarter move, one that respects our minds to a certain extent. He, hence, issued a statement claiming that Ms. Dune participated in the AIPAC conference without his prior knowledge and in her personal status... 

 Yeah! We believe you Master Bahaa...and we believe you Master Saad. Even if you claim that the sky is green, yellow, pink, but not blue...we will believe you...Master!

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