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Friday 27 April 2012

Before It Is Too Late

What triggered the following lines is an old/new, absent/present, and forgotten/remembered thought.

As humans beings, we were meant to be forgetful, ungrateful, and at many times, short-sighted.

Many of us live most of their lives thinking that actions have no consequences, what so ever. One does not need to be an avid believer in a Higher Entity, say God for example, to think otherwise. People with a minimum dose of humanity and logic do understand that "what goes around comes around". Call it Karma or Divine my guest. The point is, one shall eventually 'harvest' what one has 'planted', if even if later, rather than sooner, in their lives.

Because retribution tends to crawl its way into our lives subtly and sometimes way after-the-fact, many of us are fooled into wrongly believing that they can escape the consequences of their doings.

Well think again... It will come back to a different shape, a different setting, with different people. Bottom line, it will come to back.

Despite the risk of sounding like those bogus preachers, I am compelled to say that, yes, we do get another chance, but we do have to act upon it. And then one can give themselves the luxury of thinking of their wrongdoings as forgone, like water under the bridge.

Because man is forgetful and favors shortcuts, man cab be easily fooled into thinking 'let bygones be bygones', and thus, gets self-lured into pursuing that same 'carefree' path.

Luck, if it exists, owns us, and no, we don't own it. In my book, luck is personified by 'fate', and fate is a two-pronged plan: one(the larger part) is dictated upon us, and another is left to our discretion.

As by the dictated part, retribution shall undoubtedly catch-up with us even if we flee to the remotest of the remotest lands. As for the discretionary part, it obviously means that man is free to choose to take corrective measures he/she thinks suitable.

In my opinion, and because in life 1 plus 1 does not necessarily add up to 2, correcting, or attempting to do our best to redress a wrong does not by itself deliver us from the potential 'slap on the hand'.

Regardless of the way our actions come back at us... whether we get with just a slap on the hand or with something more serious, or even if we are granted a clean break, we always have to revisit our wrongdoings and try to do clean up the mess we left behind. It is never too late...never.

In my humble opinion, man was created such that he/she has the natural tendency to make the wrong choices. Wrong choices are more appealing, every single time. I know it, you know it, and, more importantly, God knows it.

However, wrong choices tend to, in the majority of the cases, shake our balance; they might bring about insomnia, a sour throat, a tummy ache, or a head name it.

Yes we do have a choice, even when it seems that we were pushed against our will into doing something we never intended. We can choose to be humble enough to undertake corrective measures, not only out the fear of a possible retribution, but more importantly, out of sheer humanity.

Whether you stole or hit or lied to someone, make sure that you do your part of correcting the don't know who else will hold you responsible for your actions.

Even if it was a small simple foolish action, don't let your pride stand in the way. Pick up that phone, write that email, or make that trip...and try to be just to yourself and to those whom you wronged.

Life is too short...too short...You might not be here tomorrow. They might be here tomorrow. Do not take anything in this world for granted, for nothing in life is constant but 'change' itself. The whole world can change don't leave it till tomorrow...tomorrow might not present you with the same chances you see on the table today.

One more thing: even if one fails to undo what they did...the act of trying is purifying by itself. As for the balance of right and wrong actions, we don't know which way it tilts. God holds that balance, and He knows better which outweighs which. We just have to strive to favor the weight of the good side...all we can do is to try.

God created us. He knows our limits. I know He is forgiving and merciful...but we have to seriously and sincerely try.

Go ahead...make that call, write that email, or make that visit.

Bless you all.

1 comment:

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