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Showing posts with label Marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marines. Show all posts

Sunday 22 January 2012

US Marines Urinating On Dead Bodies Caught on Video!

A video of four US Marines urinating on dead bodies in Afghanistan was leaked on youtube (see the video here; see CNN's video here).

Not shocking enough? Well, if you said yes, then you were right!

At some point, one of the "Marines" addresses the dead body he is "relieving" himself onto and says: "Have a great day buddy!". The he asks his colleague: "Got it on Video?". That colleague answers with a "Yup!". Than we hear " I see you zoomed in on one of our ---- ". 

The clan is joyful. Its joy is underlined by one last comment of theirs describing the urination process: " a shower!".

Off course, Washington officially condemned the act. I mean, come on, the "Marines" did not give Hillary any chance. She would have loved to use the "exhausted" or "stressed" excuse to save their pitiful heads (would loved to say "asses" instead). But the conversation among the urinating buddies caught on video gave that option the "kiss of death".

By the way, did anyone see Hillary's reaction as she receives the news on Qaddafi's death. Now, that was a "hilarious" moment for a blood-thirsty Hillary! (here and more importantly here).